Meet the Arizona Talking Book librarians to learn more about our service that supports the mission, “That All May Read!”
The Arizona Talking Book Library is a free audiobook and Braille library service for people with temporary or permanent low vision, blindness, or a physical, perceptual, or reading disability (such as dyslexia) that prevents them from using regular print materials. Qualifying individuals can access books and magazines in audio/Braille formats, that are instantly downloadable to a personal smart device or delivered by mail free of charge. Come meet the Arizona Talking Book librarians to learn more about our service that supports the mission, “That All May Read!”
This event is part One Tempe, One Book, our city-wide book club! To learn more and see other events visit
AGE GROUP: | Seniors | Adults |
EVENT TYPE: | Technologies/Computers | Health & Wellness | Adult Education |
Our mission is to inspire exploration, discovery, enrichment, and engagement.